A New Chapter In My Life

People of the world I am begging upon you to start seeking God. Look around you, watch the news things are not getting better instead they are slowly coming to an end. Jesus said He will come like a thief in the night and claim back His throne. Are you ready to receive the Savior, the truly and living God before it is to late. Just say this simple prayer. Father I believe in Jesus, I believe that He died for my sins, I believe that He rose on the 3rd day and ascended in heaven were He sits on your right hand side interceding for my salvation. If you said that prayer then you are a born again believer now start prayer and believing in Faith that Jesus is real and turn from your sinful ways and watch how God turn things around for you. He did for me and He surely will do it for you.

Love you,

Sis Joella

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