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This Is The Day!!!
This is the day that the LORD has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. Regardless what I’m dealing with today, stress from work, family, bills, loneliness, whatever it is. Just REJOICE and watch Jesus bring you through and give peace in the mist. Father I thank you for this day that was not promised me. I thank you for your unconditional love towards us sinners. You are there for us when others are not. I thank you for your Son my Lord and Savior who didn’t have to but die on Calvary for my transgressions against you; therefore whatever You ask of me. I JUST SAY YES!!!!!! Truly your servant girl Sister Joella Brown
Who Do You Stand For!!
The question was asked to group of us. Who do you stand for? I pondered that question as I reflected back over my life. The many dangerous situations I had been in and always use to think when I got out of the situation unharmed I always gave the credit to myself that I was clever enough to talk my way out or was able to slip away unnoticed. Now I know who it was that protected me and keep me safe. It was Jesus praying for me asking the Father to spare my life and use me for His glory; with that been said. Who Do I Stand For? Without hesitation I stand for the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit who is head over my life.
Note of the day!!!
Love You Sis Joella
Praise The Lord all yea who are heavy burden
My two cents for the day. Even in the mist of trouble, even in the mist of confusion, even in the mist of danger. PRAISE THE LORD and watch GOD handle the situation for you. Step back and allow GOD!!!!!
Serving with NO Complaining

2017 – Dive Deeper
Every beginning of the year we all make promises to ourselves that we are going to give up something or do something different with our lives. My Pastor taught on Sunday about Launching Deeper coming from the book of Luke 5: 1-5 how Jesus instructed the Disciples to go out deeper into the sea and cast out their nets. The Disciples as we do thinking about how they had already been out and caught nothing and now Jesus wants us to go back out there, but because He said to do it we must obey.
We should just trust what Jesus instructs us to do without questioning, because His way is always the right way and God promises are always come to pass. We are the ones that causes things to not work according to His plan because we try to fix it and figure out for God.
While Saints I am diving deeper into my relationship with the Father putting all my trust can cares in His hands. My Pastor also told me that this will come with bigger trails and storms and how I handle the situations will determine my outcome. I trust you Father and worship You. I surrender my life unto you to be your Saint. Amen
Sis Joella
Jesus Is The Reason for Christmas
Count down to the birthday identified as Jesus my Lord and Savior, December 25th, count down 3 more days. I daily think about the wonder and power of Jesus. Reflect over my life of service to sin and wonder why He have so much Mercy for me, that’s why I will never, ever turn away from His love. I cant breath without Him, walk without Him, move without Him, think with Him!!
I don’t know my Lords race and I really don’t care because God word is how Jesus look to me!!!!!!!!!
Sis Joella
Stay Encouraged, Trust GOD
I know during this time of the year for us that have lost love ones or may just be an only child, single, broken hearted, or just going through. I’m pleading with you my sisters and brothers not to throw in the towel, stay obedient your change is coming. This Christmas will be even more of a day of celebration because Jesus birthday falls on Sunday the day most Believers worship and attend church. Lets start thinking about how far Jesus has brought us, look how things were 5 years ago versus today, that’s a blessing you are still breathing and standing. I love you all I am a living testimony of what God can do. Trust Him.
Sister Joella