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Just Hold On
Saints and Believers we have to stop with the whining and complaining every time a storm arises in our lives. God told us He will never leave us nor forsake us. So why do we continue to do the same thing? Where do our faith go? If we say we believe in the Father then trust that all will work for you. He got you! In Jesus name AMEN!!!!!!!! Love you all, Sis Joella
Amazing Grace
Father we thank You for this day that was not promised to us. You saw fit to grant us a new day to receive new mercy and grace. We know that we are here to do Your kingdom building and spread the gospel. Give us the strength to press on, keep us motivated, keep us safe as we go out in neighborhoods that are unsafe. In Jesus Holy name. AMEN. No weapon shall form against us shall prosper because You are our protector and will cast down the enemy that try to prevent Your word from forming in sinners heart. Again I say AMEN!!!!
Don’t Tap Out Before You Receive What God Has For You
This past Tuesday night at bible study our Pastor taught from the book Philippians 1: 22-27. He encouraged me by reminding me of Jesus scarify and Jesus journey. How I will endure much hardship and anguish in this Christian walk just because of my Faith in God. We are to hold on, stay committed. Don’t tap that’s what the Devil want for me to fall back out of fellowship with the Father. I have decided I will follow God know matter what storms come my way because I know the storm is molding me into that Lady of God that is pleasing to the Master, so stay encouraged my sisters and brothers that are going through, know that God is in control and know your struggle even before it happened. He wants to see if we allow Him to work it out for us.
How Amazing to Worship GOD
I surrender my life to God on a daily basic and asked Him to keep my mind stayed on His love and stay connected with His spirit each and every second of the day. Don’t get me wrong the enemy make it their priority to try and attack my mind by filling it with doubt and misbelief, but the Holy Spirit steps in each time and reminds me of Jesus. His scarify, His death, all without complaining about His mistreatment from others, Jesus received and accepted His assignment with gratitude. Thank you Father for reminding me of Jesus scarify and that you have me covered and the things I must go through is for your Glory. Love and Honor, Sis Joella
2nd Fund Raising Day (GOD Is So, So Good)
Father No Drama, No Stress thank you for showing favor upon us. All that we do we do it in the name of Jesus and for your Kingdom building. I thank you once again for my Brothers of a different Mother for stepping up helping!!!!!

Protector, Provider, God!
Today, Saturday 10/8/16 God showed up once again for His servants No Drama, No Stress as we went out for the first time to participate in a fund raising BBQ sale, right in the heart of South Dallas. The fund raiser was for our upcoming Christmas nesccessity event. The last event was so successful with the number of indigent people that our Father want us to host another one. Getting back to todays event it was exciting how those that I had conversation with automatically knew I belonged to the Father. Thank you God for your Son, who shows me how to love even those that are still in sin, and Father thank you for my Brothers, blessed them God and their families. They see my change of life through Christ Jesus and believe in the Vision you have given me, my assignment. Keep them safe as they still live the life. You made them our protectors, with their presence we were respected as women of God. We will continue to have fund raisers striving to purchase a service truck to continue the mission. Until next time be blessed and trust and lean on the Lord, He will never live you nor forsake you. Love You, Sis Joella Brown
This Is The Day That The LORD Has Made. Rejoice!!!!
I pledge to rejoice this day because I can move my limbs, speak words of love, think for myself, because my Father saw fit for me to see another day of His glory. New Mercy and Grace, a fresh Anointing. Love someone today!!!!
If We Want God to answer We have to Obey (John 15: 9-17)
(John 15: 9-17) Jesus give the command. Love Each Other. Saints if we want to hear from God we must Surrender to His will. God orders us to love each other. Jesus laid down His life for us, if that don’t demonstrate unconditional Love then we have not surrendered. Love the ones that miss treat you. Love the ones that talk about you. Love the ones that take you for granted. I promise you God you will hear your cry and grant you the desires of your heart. You cant weaver, He commands us to LOVE without conditions been placed.