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Jesus Paid the Price
His death on the Cross freed us from slavery of sin. Free Yourself allow Jesus into your life and which how your Circumstances change, but you have to surrender all unto Him. I urge you those that are dealing with life hardship to try Him. Take it to the CROSS!!!

How The Seed of Sin Begins to Transform
Lately I have been thinking about people actions in the Church. We proclaim to be Saints but we still practice in sin. Sin begins to form in a person heart and then manifest throughout your body. Saints I beg of you to ask God to search you your heart and to reveal those things that are unpleasing to Him. I found a diagram of how sin flow through your body. ITS REAL SAINTS!!
I’m So Glad JESUS Lifted me
When you think back over your life before you surrendered unto the Almighty, those dark places you were in, living a out of control life, rather it was being in a game, selling drugs, stealing, in jail, prison, in an unhealthy relationship, a smile should instantly come over your face. I’m So Glad JESUS Lifted me.
Trust GOD
To my FAMILY and FRIENDs in Baton Rouge – Louisiana know that Saints and Believers all over is praying for your families. No Drama, No Stress is here to help. Stay encouraged, trust God to come through, stay obedient to His word. This is another sign of Jesus return. If you are not saved PLEASE, I BEGG OF YOU. ACCEPT JESUS, RECEIVE SALAVATION BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!!!!