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Communion Sunday Why Do We Do It?
Every first Sunday we go to church all dressed up to receive our piece of cracker and sip of grape juice knowing good well we (Christians) haven’t gotten things together from the night before, by honoring God with our confessions of sinning against Him rather it be from being angry, cheating, stealing, lying, thinking wrongful things, not tiding, being mean towards our brother or sister. Jesus shared this supper with His disciples and told them this supper will be done in remembrance of ME. How He died that we may have everlasting life, our Redeemer for all of our sins. So we need to be careful taking the Lord supper in vain when we haven’t gotten our house in order. I was just like that too before I was taught the truth and I know those of you that don’t truly understand the truth is glad that before the Supper is served that the Minister give us a moment to pray for forgiveness. Thank you God for your longsuffering.
Life Before Christ and Life After Receiving Christ
This is how I lived before Christ:
- Dead to transgressions
- Objects of wrath
- Followed the ways of the world
- God’s enemies
- Enslaved to Satan
- Followed my evil thoughts and desires
This is how I live now in Christ:
- Made alive in Christ
- Shown God’s mercy and given salvation
- Stand for Christ and truth
- God’s child
- Free in Christ to love, serve, and sit with Him
- Raised up with Christ to glory
The Goodness of Serving
There are many that say their SAVED and following Jesus, but do see the need to sacrifice to help someone in need or feel that their testimony is not worth sharing. My sisters and brothers we are ordered by GOD to do these things as often as possible.

Doing is Knowing
Saints if we follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit that was richly given to US by our Father in Heaven we will fall and even if we do fall He is just to forgive us and dust us off and start us on our journey of serving HIM. So don’t let your mistakes stop you, keep pressing on and see what the end will bring. LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS to you ALL!!!