Category: Uncategorized
Walking In The Spirit of Jesus
I walk by Faith that God will do all that He says in the Word.

When You Think Your Labor Is In Vain!!
I understand how sometimes we can get weary as Servants of God. When we sometimes thinks our labor is in vain. That we are not making a difference or no one is listening and paying attention. True Servants of God I want to encourage you to keep going. Your reward is in Christ Jesus. God got you and will give you that strength to press on.
Love You,
Sis Joella

Keep Going!!!!!!
Servants of God. I want to encourage you on this day to keep going. Don’t allow the enemy to plant the seed of doubt in your mind for doing the right thing. When those you think have your back turn on you and want to prosecute you for doing what is right; keep going. Don’t lower yourself to their level by reacting negatively, That’s what the enemy wants, but instead treat the situation with kindness. God will protect us and fight our battles for us. He want us to stand as Jesus, endure the malice, rejection, envy and watch it turn for your good. I pray that this will uplift your spirit on this day and encourage you to KEEP GOING.
God be the Glory.
Sis Joella
What You Going To Do When Your Back Is Against the Wall?
What You Going To Do When Your Back Is Against the Wall? Are you going to Stand and allow God to do what He does everyday, every second of the day? Fight your battle for you, provide you a way out. Release it allow the Father to work for you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Begin to Praise and Worship God for the struggle and which His peace come upon you.
Love You,
Sis Joella
Tell Someone You Love Them Today!!!!
It is never to late to make amends. If someone has done wrong by you or you was the offender it is never to late to make amends. That is one of Gods commandments for us Believers love those that wrongfully prosecute us. I am working on this step in my life, it would be ashamed if God was to call me home and I didn’t make amends when I had an opportunity. I don’t want God to not see me or receive. Think about it my Sisters and Brothers and take action today!!!
Love You,
Sis Joella
More Then A Conqueror
The more I seek the Father and allow the Spirit to lead me the more confident I become and able to stand and defeat the enemy. I am more then a conqueror when I follow the direction of the Lord. My Lord, if you are with me, then who can stand against me. Father I will STAND no matter what. Victory belongs to you Jesus, only YOU.
Show Gratitude Today
As we move through this day Easter fading away from our minds, start a fresh today by honoring Jesus life by showing gratitude to others. His crucifixion and resurrection will not be in vain for all He has done for us, showing gratitude is something expected of us Believers and Christians. Blessed are those that honor and obey the Father.
Love Sis Joella
A New Beginning
We all can have a new beginning. No matter what the situation is or how dark things appear. If we learn how to turn it over to Jesus and allow the Spirit of the Lord to work it out it would be alright. Remembering our Lord crucifixion and resurrection this past weekend should gave us all a new beginning. Just thinking about the wonder of the Lord and the prosecution and abuse He went through so I could be set free of my sins and live a just and holly life makes me want to humble myself in all situations. Nothing anyone can do will cause me to turn my back on the Father again. I have learned to allow Him to fight my battles and give me guidance on how to deal with difficult situations and people.