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It’s All About You JESUS!!
Early this morning mark the reminder day of Jesus Resurrection. He rose early Sunday morning for you and me. He died for you and me. What does that mean? God cared so much about my life and everyone else life that He sent His only begotten Son to come into this world as a living sacrifice to live as an example how we should live. How we should respect and love each other. His word brings on life transformation. Jesus walked amongst thieves, killers, evildoers of all kind but never allowed Himself to be transformed into the world but instead He displayed to the world how we should live. Some of us got it and some didn’t, some of us refused to believe the wonder of His power that God had given unto Him. God went a step further by sacrificing Jesus. Jesus didn’t whine or complain about His assignment as a matter of fact He was grateful to have been chosen for such an assignment; therefore He went freely to cross. So tell your children the true meaning of Easter its not about Easter eggs or bunny rabbits. Its about remembering the sacrifice, the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
Many thanks for your prayers and support of No Drama, No Stress
Happy Easter.
Sis Joella Brown
Good Friday – Friday before Easter Sunday
Friday before Easter Sunday! What a mighty statement, huh. The day on which Christians and Believes reflect on the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus life is commemorated on this day Friday April 14, 2017 one way I have been celebrating His sacrificed life is by praise and worship. All week I have been envisioning His life the pain and suffering He endured, His love He showed to those that believed in Him and even to those that refused to believe who He is and to those that crucified Him while on the cross asking the Father to forgive them. How greater Love.
Enjoy your Families and Friends this weekend.
God Bless,
Sis Joella
Help In the Right Time
GOD is never late, because sometimes He doesn’t show up when we would like for Him to we get discouraged. My fellow Missionaries I want to encourage you all to stay in the race, to press on even when we feel as do we are not reaching the people. There is always someone watching you. taking in how you handle unforeseen things that come up in your life. Don’t ever think that you effects are in vain as long as it is done in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ then it will not fell. Press on and allow God to fight your battles.
Love You, Sis Joella
Praise and Worship
Do we praise God for everything? Even the bad things that come up in our lives? If you aren’t praising Him you missing out on His fully glory. So I know if you aren’t praising Him your worship is not going up either. If you want God to show favor to you then it is important to start giving Him all of your praise and all of your worship. Try it and watch how things start to change for you.
Father, I thank you for the GOOD, BAD, AND UGLY . It hurt so bad when heartache is brought on by someone you are very close with. You would think that family would be your mean support system, because they know your life how God has changed you. I don’t want nothing or anyone to hinder my connection with the Father, so I have on a daily basis empty myself, forgive those the want to hurt me. STAND STAINTS, AND SAY YES.
Daily Gratitude of Love
Do we show our Father daily gratitude for showing mercy and grace to us on a daily basis. Saints if you aren’t you better start!! The time is near when Jesus is returning for His church.
Trust What The Lord Has Shown You
So often we question rather the vision that has been given to us is from God or a trick of the enemy. Saints there is nothing wrong with asking God to validate and confirm if you were given your assignment by Him and if so please show you how to accomplish. Stay strong and press through the doubt. GOD is always for you!!
This Is The Day That Will Change Your Life Forever!
Nice subject huh? A day that can change your life forever. I hear you asking how is that? Well I’m going to tell you for those that may have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or maybe you are a born again Believer but may have not surrendered your whole being unto the Master, our Lord. That’s what I am referencing here “This Is The Day That Will Change Your Life Forever” if you do these things that are asked of you and surrender your total mind, heart, and soul to God things will begin to change for the good in your life. I am a walking testimony of FAITH under the Power and Wonder of the Father, my life has been totally transformed through His word. It feel so wonderful walking in the Spirit everyday known I am covered under the Blood of Jesus. My Sister, my Brother, Jesus is waiting to take you deeper, open up your heart and let him in, stop thinking you have all the time in the world. YOU DON’T!
Love You, Sis, Joella
A New Day of MERCY and GRACE
FATHER, FATHER, FATHER!! I thank you for all You do for me everyday by surrendering my life unto you each and every morning. You are my strength, my refuge, my all, for I serve only you Father. Let this ministry continue to be a blessing for those in need and that wants to go deeper, deeper in YOU!!!
Love Sis Joella