Jesus, Oh how I love that name. Jesus

When every you find yourself in trouble, depressed, worried, frustrated , I ask you to give Jesus a try. I promise you, you want be disappointed. Oh how I LOVE THAT NAME!!!! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


This is the day that the Lord has made you should rejoice and be glad that He granted you this day of new Mercy and Grace. I am grateful for His unconditional love and long suffering over my life therefore I will forever serve Him with all I am. No turning back!!!

Love you

Sis Joella

Rejoice and be Glad that God granted you this day!

Stop complaining about every little thing that happens. Most of the time it is a test from God to see how you will handle the situation.

God Is My Refuge

Whenever you are facing hardship, health issues, loneliness, any type of hardship. I encourage you to seek God for He is all Saints and Believers refuge and Jesus will fight your battles on your behalf.

Sis Joella

God called and I answered

I often think about my assignment. How God choose a nobody to use for His kingdom. When I have those moments of thinking is this really what the Father want of me. To be rejected and talked about. I recall what Jesus went through. It causes me to press on and stay obedient to the Spirit. I will forever stand JESUS!!!!!

Memorial Day

When we think about Memorial Day we often refer to it as an extra day off from work instead of the true meaning. So many men and women has scarified their lives for their country.

When I think about Memorial Day the life of fallen soldiers for the Lord comes to mind. Through out the Bible it speaks about the many men and women that died for their belief, but the biggest of those is Jesus sacrifice. How He laid down His life on the battle field for we may live in perfect peace through grace and mercy of the Lord.

So as you reflect this weekend include the fallen Saints in showing gratitude.

Love You!

Sis Joella

Jesus Is My Rock!!!

Jesus my rock, my rock, my protector. Thank you God for you love of all things. You give us new mercy and grace on a daily. I for one is truly grateful and in return you have all that I am for Your Kingdom.

Sis Joella Brown

He Thought That I Was Worth Saving!!! Hallelujah

My Lord, I thank you for finding worthy of being saved. You see in me what others don’t and love me when others refuse to, you took a nobody and turned her into a Servant for Your Kingdom. You fill me up each and everyday with Your a fresh anointing and praise.

Glory to your Holy Name Father!!!!!

Victory Today Is Mine! Claim IT

I claim it, believe it, and receive it, in the name of Jesus. No weapon that form against me on this day shall prosper for my Lord is my rock, my protector, and provider.

Sis Joella

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