I am a friend of GOD

Why do I call myself a friend of God and Jesus because I made a decision to be obedient to His word. To be a doer not just a hearer of His word. To walk in Faith of His word. To demonstrate His word by loving all people no matter their race, gender, or belief. Jesus love me unconditionally, He don’t issue out doses of His love to me based upon my work of the day. His love never changes. We proclaim to be born again Christian after a preacher taught the good news of God and we no longer wanted to live a life of sin but of love. Love is an action word Saints. What actions of Love are you displaying????

Father You are all We Need!!!!

Stay encouraged and keep looking upwards for where our help cometh from.

Keep Pressing

My Sisters and Brothers thats in the Christian race. Things may not be moving in the pace that WE would like or there are obstacles that may be hindering things from happening. Stay faithful to the calling God has given you, as long as you are doing it in good faith and for God glory it will work out in His time.

God bless.

Sis Joella

Even in the Loins Den in the Pit of Fire…Praise Him

Our Father we thank you for this day. This day that you created for us. Father there is some much meanness in this world, in you churches, schools, work places. We are asking you Father to intervene on our behalf we keep messing things up. I need you Holy One my head hurts, my attitude is trying to change my mindset to match the enemy. Father I don’t want to disappoint You are offend You in any way therefore God I release the frustrations of this day unto You to deal with. I have done my part by apologizing to those that I may have offended and most importantly asked You to forgive me. I love you and do nothing without your guidance.

Love Sis Joella

Showing Gratitude

So often born again Christians are looked upon as easy to manipulate. People try to take advantage of us because we try to show humbleness and meekness towards each person we come in contact with. Saints we have to sometime show firmness to those individuals. Stop allowing people to make us feel as if we have done something wrong when we know in our hearts that we did what is required of us as Christians. God will take care of those that think they have taken advantage of His servants. I will keep walking in Faith and depending and trusting in Gods word.

Love you.

Sis Joella Brown

Sacrificed for Love

For those of us that believe that Jesus was sacrificed for sinners of this world we should show gratitude daily by walking in the image of Jesus. Displaying unconditional love towards those that prosecute us, talk about us, think that we are strange because of our surrenders to God calling. My sisters and brothers hold on, keep fighting the fight of truth, stay humble and committed. God never fails!!!

Sis Joella

No Weapon form against shall Prosper

I trust God in area of my life. I know that He will do all that He has promised me and more as all as I stay obedient and faithful to Him. Saints put your trust back in God and remember that Jesus paid the price for us on Calvary. Stay encouraged, stay humbled, stay focused, stay committed, stay obedient even when it seems impossible and watch God turn it around in your favor.

Love and hugs from Sis Joella

GODs Love

Our Father which art in heaven. I thank you for giving me a heart of humbleness and forgiveness. These days there is so much pressure put on us Saints that only want to dedicate our lives to serving God and building up His kingdom, but we are the ones that are targeted by the enemy, even by Christian that allow the enemy to use them to hurt the ones that are called to serve. I be so, so glad when these people that proclaim to be Saints surrender unto God and stop the foolishness of the world.


Sis Joella

Who Gets Your Hallelujah?

Are you giving God your hallelujah are do you give it to people of the world? God wants all of our praises. He is the only one that brings us out of all situations, rather the outcome be what we want but rather what is best for us.

Keep Seeking and Stay Encouraged

Just because you have surrendered your life to God Almighty does mean that your trails and tribulations will be no more. As a matter of fact they will be more frequent, the enemy hate that you chose to seek God and trust Jesus. The enemy will throw all type of challenges your way to test you, just to see how you handle the situation. That’s the reassurance we have that God will take care of us and provide a solution for any situation if we allow Him to work it out. Therefore my sister and brother stay encouraged, stay prayed up, stay connected, and know where your help comes from.

Love You,

Sis Joella

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