What is Jesus to you?

Afternoon Saints,

As I read the daily bread for the day it spoke about how we have a advocate. Jesus is our advocate for if we do fall short that day by loosing our cool, thinking awful things about a co-worker, doubting what God has in store for us. We can call upon Jesus to help us speak to the Father after we have asked for forgiveness. He will intercede for us with the Father. Don’t give up because you had a bad day. Ask for forgiveness, dust yourself off and get back on track Jesus has already paid the price for your sin.


Just Hold On the Victory is Coming, This to shall pass!!!!

My sisters and brothers your day may have started out rocky and it seems that the enemy is winning the battle. Stop right now allowing the enemy to steal your joy and your peace, we serve a God that fights our battles. All we have to do is take our hands off of it. Start calling upon the Holy Spirit to restore your peace. You will begin to think of something pleasant, your spirit calms you and allow you to accept that some days will be harder then others. Trust Him who has saved you and brought you out. This to shall pass!!!!


God Bless,

Sis Joella


Image result for i got the victory

This Is a New day to Get Up and trust God

I have a question for you. Are you tired yet? Then let go and let Jesus

Count It All JOY

Hi Family,

Count it all Joy, what a statement. Huh? Right now some of you are thinking how can I count it all joy when my significant other just hit me in the face, my teenager been missing for 2 days, or my car just broke down on the highway in rush hour traffic, ect.

My candid response to you is this call upon the power of the Holy Spirit, to give you peace in the name of Jesus and watch how your spirit calms, you begin to think of something pleasant. Your Faith kicks back in the situation starts to look minor and God begin to start working on your behalf, by providing you with a solution to resolve the problem.  My sister, my brother that’s how you count it all Joy. Trust me, I am also working on this area of my spiritual life when sometimes unforeseen situations happen. So please don’t think I am better than any of you or judging you, we are all still under construction and will be until our Father call us home.

I love you Family. Stay encouraged and remember where your help come from. Stop now and look up into the sky Jesus is sitting on the right hand side of the Father interceding for us this very second. 

Thank you, love you. 

Sis. Joella Brown – Founder


Praise God for this day and for all things that happened on this day.

Even in the mist of the storm I shall praise Him.

You Can Start All Over Again!! Don’t Stay in Darkness

Our Father which art in Heaven can fix us. We don’t have to stay in darkness. Just because you fell and it seems all is lost. I want to encourage you today my brother and sister. Jesus died for you and has fought on your behalf and defeated the enemy for you. Get UP!!! Start over again God is waiting to receive you so He can fix you in side out. Release it today and which God WORK!!!!! He made a promise to us and He never, ever fell.

Love You Keep Your Head-Up,

Sincerely your Sister in Christ, Sis Joella Brown

POVERTY!!!!! by:3ntoo1 (How are you contributing)

How Do We Do It?

Fellow Saints and Believers. I want to encourage you on this day to stay focus and determined to complete your assignment laid out by God. The storms are going to come from every which way, family, friends, job, church folks, just hang on in there what you are doing is not for yourself but for our Father. I trust God at His word that He will provide and protect those that is doing good work for His kingdom. I lay down my life for Christ as He so willingly without doubt or fear laid down His life for me. I am ready to go deeper and deeper into a relationship with the Father. Hebrews chapter 11 and 12 I encourage you to read and allow the Holy Spirit to do its job. Press on my brothers and sisters and see how God prosper you spiritually. Sometimes God disciplines us to keep us on track and obedient to our calling. May you be blessed this day to bless someone else. Sincerely, Sis Joella

A Day of Reflection

While most us reflected on the pass today as it relates to culture change. I spent most of the day reflecting on how God has keep me over the years. How God loved me so much that He gives me and you new Mercy each day, even back in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. era those that fought for equal treatment/opportunity God kept them covered. Some of us are called to carryout an assignment given from God through a vision to get others to believe and support these visionaries to  bring about change. Sometimes does assignments comes with tremendous sacrifice, Dr. King remind me of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ how He willingly accepted His assignment from birth to lay down His life for sinners, like us. Dr. King accepted his assignment knowing that he will be sacrificed for the good of people. As Jesus and other great Visionaries in the Bible, Dr. King – No Drama, No Stress thank you for all that you sacrificed.























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