Glad for to be Saved

Y’all there is not a day go by that I don’t thank GOD for His Son, Jesus that I have received salvation through His death. I pray that all will come to know Jesus so everyone will be able to join me in Heaven when the time come when Jesus bust open the gates and call all that have accepted Him and have been obedient to His Father. He will rapture up all Saints and dead will no longer sleep we will meet in the sky and be sent to meet God. So rejoice with me if you have accepted Him and if you haven’t I encourage you to receive Him before it is to late.

Love Sis Joella


Power of Prayer

Question? Are we trusting in the Word and have the Faith and Patients to what on God to answer our prayers. I hear so many Pastors say that God always give an answer to our prayers. Have you received your answer and just refuse to accept the answer God provided? Us as Saints and Believers have to come to an understanding that all things we pray for will not be granted. God knows what is best for each of us, but I will say this if God showed you in a vision not a dream but a vision then you better work toward that vision. That is a calling directly from God and it will come to pass, just stay obedient and trust all that He has shown you will happen. Also, Pray and ask God to revile to you your assignment for His will, your purpose of servant hood. I promise you He will show you,, you have to be ready to answer the call.

Love You,

Sis Joella

What A Mighty God We Serve

Saturday 9/23/17 my daughter and I went out and showed the love of Jesus by giving out prayers, hugs, and over 160 bag lunches. That’s what is required of us Saints to give back and encourage those dealing with hardship.

In the name of Jesus!!!

Sis Joella


I will stand for God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit

The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not Want!!!

Image result for the lord is my shepherd prayer

Father, God

Father we thank You for this day that was not promised to us, to receive new mercy and grace because of Your love for us. We know most of the time that we are undeserving but You still see fit to bless us. Father your love out weighs the obstacles that come on a daily basis. We cannot do anything without Your knowledge of it happening, we thank You for the Holy Spirit that stops in to console us, to comfort us, to guide us when the enemy starts up in our life. Oh Father the love of Your son Jesus, our heart cries out to Him because of all He sacrificed for us. I will forever serve you Master, Holy is Your name.

A New Chapter In My Life

People of the world I am begging upon you to start seeking God. Look around you, watch the news things are not getting better instead they are slowly coming to an end. Jesus said He will come like a thief in the night and claim back His throne. Are you ready to receive the Savior, the truly and living God before it is to late. Just say this simple prayer. Father I believe in Jesus, I believe that He died for my sins, I believe that He rose on the 3rd day and ascended in heaven were He sits on your right hand side interceding for my salvation. If you said that prayer then you are a born again believer now start prayer and believing in Faith that Jesus is real and turn from your sinful ways and watch how God turn things around for you. He did for me and He surely will do it for you.

Love you,

Sis Joella

Its Never To Late to Trust GOD

My follow brothers and sisters in Christ. We still have work to do. Don’t find yourself getting relax in your assignment. God is to good to us that truly trust Him and obedient to He. Get up shack it off and press on!!!!

Love you!!

Sis Joella


Father we honor You on this day!!

Father we honor You on this day, by giving you total control of our life this day. We honor You on this day by being obedient to Your spirit. We honor You on this day for giving us new Mercy and Grace.

Tell someone you love them today.

Love you!!!!

Sis Joella

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